A deadly virus released in 1996 wipes out almost all of humanity, forcing survivors to live underground. A group known as the Army of the Twelve Monkeys is believed to have released the virus.
In 2035, James Cole is a prisoner living in a subterranean compound beneath the ruins of Philadelphia. Cole is selected to be trained and sent back in time to find the original virus, in order to help scientists develop a cure.
A brand new mini-documentary "We’re Living in 12 Monkeys" was released today by Truthstream Media that outlines the agenda that is unfolding from the corona virus hysteria.
The full New World Order agenda of complete control over humanity is in play.So many agendas coming together under one giant umbrella.
Its obvious that the elites are using this "pandemic" to advance their plans for control of everything and everyone.
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Watch video Truthstream Media: We're living in 12 monkeys at: